Ready to get more out of your everyday life? Today I will discuss how we can use empowered decision-making to focus on the things that we choose to do or get to do instead of focusing on what we have to do or need to do. You can use this process of empowered decision making to […]
Tag: Happiness
Whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur or executive pursuing the next level of success, there is one thing guaranteed to stifle growth and make for a miserable journey, and that’s a negative mindset. It’s the little voice inside your head that says, “Who do you think you are? You’re not good enough? Everyone […]
This week one of my subscribers reached out and asked how I kept my business rapidly growing despite having a newborn. As many of you know, I have an eleven month old daughter named Madison. The answer? I was all set up to automate my business — and, I’m still doing it! The truth is, […]
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Where you choose to focus your thoughts and energy will literally make you or break you. Almost everyone I know is fighting a battle personally or professionally. For thoughtssome, it is a private matter; no one knows they are suffering. For others, their personal or professional struggles become common knowledge to everyone around them whether […]
Job satisfaction affects more than just your mental health. I read some shocking research the other day. Scientists have recently discovered a significant difference between individuals who suffer a heart attack and die versus those who survive. Can you guess the difference? Yep, Job Satisfaction. How you feel about your career, your life purpose and […]
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Taking a risk sounds scary. But many people live their whole lives feeling empty, unfulfilled and generally dissatisfied wriskith how life turned out. There are a lot of critical life lessons we never learned in school including: If you just take what life hands you, you will probably end up pretty darn unhappy. On the […]
Have you heard of affiliate marketing? Thousands of people are using it to bring in additional income month by month, even day by day in some cases. Affiliate marketing is a system in which you sign up to share with others information about a product or service you really believe in. There is no commitment […]
Have you considered the importance of your energy in your business and growth? Today’s blog is about how this no cost element can magically transform any situation into a winning one. Whether mental or physical, energy, determines your ability to make a positive impact and convey your objectives effectively. Sit with that for a moment. […]
Will you wait for the timing and circumstances to equal perfection? We all know that day will never come. Perfection is the enemy of Action. Action is the source of all goals that are met, dreams that come true and fortunes that are made. What ever is holding you back, whatever is standing in the […]
Everyone talks about courage. Courage helps you step into the light. What light, you might ask? YOURS. Courage is digging deep into the depth of your being and bringing forth your unique talent and gifts for the world to enjoy. Waking up in the morning and making an agreement with the universe, that nothing will stand […]
Whether you are a business owner or leader, parent or teacher, producer or factory worker you owe it to your self to give your future a chance…and prioritizing your health is one of the best ways to do so. We all know the saying: health, wealth and happiness. Really think about that. Why that order […]