[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/kellyroach/USR_290_Pivoting__mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 290 Pivoting mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]
There is a depiction online of what everyone thinks the “journey to success” looks like versus reality.
What most of the depictions don’t show, however, is that success is never a straight line.
Entrepreneurship (and being successful at it) is full of messes — and you have to be willing to accept that failures along the way will happen. The stronger you become in accepting them and rolling with the punches, the faster you will grow your business.
In the moment, it feels so hard to push through and adapt. But remember this: it takes 10,000 hours to master any skill. When you’re in business, you’re learning, growing, and developing new skills every single day. Your ability to PIVOT in the face of struggle gives you the ability to problem solve quickly and effectively.
(2:30) “You are now presented with a choice: to accept where you are as final, or PIVOT. Pivoting will take you all the way to the top. Pivoting is one of the most important and hardest entrepreneurial skills”
(6:20) “The vast majority of people are willing to accept a temporary setback, as a final destination. But you, you my UNSTOPPABLE ARMY, are absolutely not. You are going to pivot your way to success.”
(9:10) “The journey is not clean… it is not pretty for any of us. But always remember that the obstacles you are facing were put in your path to grow you into the highest and best form of yourself you can be.”
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