Below are 6 shifts you can integrate health and wellness into your work day without adding more time to your busy daily routine. No more excuses… time to take action!
#1 Take a lunch break. Eat something to fuel your mind and your body. Study after study proves that a short break during work improves concentration, productivity and creativity. Use at least two days a week to exercise. Walking does wonders for your total wellness and will be the brain break you need to come back refreshed!
#2 Drink 8+ glasses of water daily and carry it wherever you go. Refill every time you get up from your desk. Add fresh fruit such as oranges, berries, apples or lemon for a refreshing, natural burst of flavor.
#3 Walk and talk! Do your meetings, conference calls, and phone calls while you walk. Remember that total wellness note? If you can get outside, this is an instant mood-changing hack for both yourself and the people with you.
#4 Try Burst training. Complete three 10 minute sessions throughout the day. Exercise right in your office.
#5 Use your commute to learn, grow and prosper! Listen to business, personal development or meditation audios to start your day on a positive note every day. Remember good in, good out. Your mindset is crucial for your success — and you can’t have a prosperous mindset to boost your mental health and wellness by filling it with trash and negativity.
#6 Eat a healthy breakfast every day. Find something you like to eat and stock up. Build a new routine where you start the day with brain food every day. Within one week you will be hungry for breakfast. Sugary snacks and fancy coffee beverages are not delivering the nutrients you need to have total focus in your day.
If you haven’t started using any of these wellness hacks, you will be pleasantly
surprised at the changes you see by implementing even just one.
My #1 wellness hack? WATER! Above all else, staying hydrated gives me the energy to tackle the day and keep my mind sharp. Which wellness hack will you use? Tweet me @kellyroachint using #wellnesshackblog and let me know!
If you want to learn more about how you can Revolutionize your Daily Routine to Get the Most Out of Life contact me to discuss seminars, workshops and private coaching at
To get all of my best mindset, motivation, and business-building strategies for free, check out my podcast, Unstoppable Success Radio!