Terry Lancaster with Building Your Business Through Automation




Today’s guest episode of USR features Terry Lancaster talking to us about the power of habit.  He is an entrepreneur, speaker, and bestselling author, and has had a career in sales for over 30 years. He writes and speaks on how to create better focus, and helps salespeople and entrepreneurs build better lives, better careers and better businesses using one minor adjustment, one focused action, and one better habit at a time.


“One minor adjustment, one focused action, and one better habit at a time.”


Throughout his career, Terry has worked with thousands of business owners, managers and salespeople providing proven strategies for making the cash register ring.  His book: BETTER! Self Help For The Rest Of Us is an Amazon #1 Best Seller with glowing reviews from around the world thanking him for the understandable, actionable, life-changing ideas and stories. Terry is also a contributing writer for Forbes, The Good Men Project, and Dealer Marketing.


In this episode, you will learn:

  • Terry’s 5 step system for creating any new habit (and making sure you actually stick to it)
  • how to build customer relationships so great, your audience is going out and promoting your content FOR YOU
  • how to invest in yourself so your confidence and drive spills into your business


Terry delivers contagious energy, high impact, and creative content in every area he works in in.  He teaches his clients how to amplify their motivation and trains them in becoming the best sales professionals and entrepreneurs that they can be.  His firm belief in forming positive habits that last allows all people that he comes in contact with to leave being better trained about how to create the kind of future they have always envisioned.

“Break your dreams down into goals, and your goals down into mini-milestones that you can accomplish each day.”


Mentioned in this episode:

If This, Then That/IFTTT (app) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/if-by-ifttt/id660944635?mt=8 (website: https://ifttt.com/)


Terry’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Better-Self-Help-Rest-Us/dp/099697881X


Learn how to break down your goals, set up your milestones, and put together a system that’s going to help you follow through with achieving everything that you want to accomplish in both your business and your life with my Get It Done guide: text GETITDONE to 44222


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