You can transform your life in just one hour a day.
One hour a day.
If you’re willing to commit one hour a day, seven hours a week, you can be, do, or achieve almost anything you desire in your life.
The most common excuse I hear from people is: “I’m just so busy.”
But we can all find time for the things that are most important to us. We can all create space in our lives for the things that matter most. We just have to have the discipline to do it.
You’ll hear so many ideas and strategies for getting from where you are to where you want to be. But the one critical thing you need to do if you want to achieve your dreams is: take action.
And, in order to take action, you have to create space in your life.
If you take just one hour a day to focus on and work toward your goal, you’ll see measurable progress.
Let’s start with the big picture. When we talk about an hour a day having the potential to transform your life, we’re talking about relationships with family members, your health, your business, growing your income, living your passion. Anything at all that is important to you.
Now be really honest with yourself.
How much time have you been dedicating every day to your dream?
Let’s say you want to improve your body. You want to fit into your clothes and feel confident. You want to feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror. You want to be healthy. You want to be strong. You want to have energy.
If you commit one hour a day to this, could you make a difference? If you spend an hour a day prepping healthy food? Or incorporating healthy habits into your routine? If you exercise for an hour a day?
Would one hour a day get you to your goal of improving your body?
Absolutely yes.
What about your small business? What if you spent an hour a day on sales and marketing, connecting with people, having conversations with prospects, doing deals, taking leads and converting them to sales?
If you spent an hour on your business every day, could you double your income?
Absolutely yes.
One hour a day, seven hours a week. That’s all it takes.
But how are you going to find those seven hours? Do you need to quit watching TV? Get off social media? Do you need to start consolidating activities?
I used to walk outside for exercise while coaching clients on the phone. I was always moving, looking for pockets of five minutes, ten minutes, to move forward with my goals. You may need to get up an hour early, stay up an hour later (while still getting an adequate eight hours of sleep). Use your lunch break. I get up at 5:00 am (while my husband and daughter are still sleeping) and work because I want to, not because I have to.
You really need to outsource the time-wasters. Carpool. Get an admin to do repetitive tasks that anyone can do. Get some help in your house. Do whatever it takes to delegate things that other people can do better, faster, and cheaper than you can.
Find your seven hours a week to make your dreams come true.
You need to stop, take a step back, and evaluate your daily routine and how you’re spending your time. I do this every 30 days and ask myself: What can I do better? What can I cut out? What doesn’t matter anymore? What can I release that no longer serves me? And what can I replace it with that has higher value or is more impactful?
Is there a better way?
You need to ask yourself these questions if you want to design a life made up of what matters most to you.
Once you’ve done this initial evaluation, it’s time to create efficiencies and systems. No more wasting time on things that could be systematized. Use an app, sign up for a program, get admin help. Whatever system you need to put in place, do it.
You can take control of your minutes, your hours, your days. You can do hard things.
But you have to want it.
A dream is only a dream until you make a decision to make it happen. Then it’s a choice. A choice you make every single day.
You are the only person responsible. You hold the keys. YOU. You make hundreds of decisions every day that either move you forward or hold you back.
It’s tempting to look at successful people and think their lives look easy. But those people did the hustle to get to where they are. They did the heavy lifting up front and out of the gate. Don’t think you can skip over the hard work that got them from where they were to where you see them now.
That is a critical mindset no matter what your goal is.
But, although you can avoid struggle by working with a coach who’s been there, you cannot avoid hard work. That’s an important distinction to make.
In a nutshell, here is what it will take to transform your life and live your dreams.
Figure out your number one goal in life right now and commit one hour a day to making it happen.
Find seven hours a week that you can dedicate to uninterrupted, high-focus, high-powered activity, and intention toward meeting that goal.
Take that action starting NOW.
Know what it is that you want. Know that you have the power to make it happen. Be honest with yourself. Find a way. You are in control.
Need some help? Join our One Hour Challenge. Every day we will send you a text reminder and focus to spend one hour a day, working on profit-producing activities, for the next 21 days! We are on day 3 and people are already making sales!
The time is now.
Dream big, take action, and don’t stop until you make that dream a reality.