To serve you more efficiently, all of our coaching, mastermind, and training programs are located inside ONE membership site.
If you clicked a button on our Dashboard for a program you belong to, and find yourself unable to access that program or are being told you need to upgrade, here is what could be happening and how to remedy it.
1) If the order you just placed had multiple programs on it, it’s possible there was a misfire and the site only recognized one of them when you created your username and password. Rest assured – we’re on it.
Just e-mail [email protected]. A human being personally reviews EVERY SINGLE REGISTRATION we receive, so it’s possible we’ll catch it before you do and fix it for you. But e-mail us just to be sure.
2) If you invested on an installment plan or are part of an ongoing program and you are behind on your payments, your access to that content may be suspended. Check your e-mail for instructions as we would have contacted you to request a credit card update. As soon as we get your payments caught up, your access will be reinstated. E-mail [email protected] for questions and assistance.
3) If your question is not answered here, e-mail us at [email protected].
4) We are available to support you by telephone, too. It’s (800) 230-9115 (United States). If you catch us during off-hours, leave a voicemail with your return phone number – important, so we can actually call you back. :)
Again, thank you for your investment in Kelly Roach Coaching!
To your success,
Kelly Roach
Founder, Kelly Roach Coaching